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Tuesday, August 17, 2010



Code : EDU 702
Course : Research Methodology
Level : Masters
Credit Unit : 3
Contact Hour : 3
Course Status : Core
Prerequisite : None
This course introduces learners to the basics of educational research. The course focuses on the concepts and philosophies underlying academic research in the field of education. It aims at developing students' understanding of research methodology with emphasis to aspects such as the identification of the research problem and the formulation of research objectives and research questions. It also involves aspects such as research strategies, research design, data collection and data interpretation techniques. Upon completion of this course, students are required to have the ability to define a research problem and prepare a research proposal. This course is compulsory for all students who intend to undertake a post graduate degree at the Master's level. The learners are expected to do a lot of independent and critical reading of research journals and conducting research.

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of EDU 702 a student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate good knowledge and understanding of the concepts and philosophies underlining educational research
  • Make a clear statement of a research issue and justify a research approach, methodology, data collection and analysis techniques appropriate for the specific research issue
  • Design and develop a research proposal that addresses an appropriate research problem with related literature review and appropriate research methodology
  • Evaluate and critically review educational research articles and papers.

Syllabus Content

  1. Introduction to Educational Research
    1. Research as a scientific inquiry
    2. Nature of research
  2. Defining the Research Problem
    1. Research topic and research problem
    2. Research questions
    3. Variables and Hypothesis
  3. Review of Literature
    1. Value of a literature review
    2. Types of sources
    3. Steps involved in a literature review
    4. a literature review
  4. Population and Sampling
    1. Differences between population and sample
    2. Sampling techniques
    3. Validity and reliability
  5. Types of Educational Research
    1. Quantitative Research Methodologies
    2. Experimental research
    3. Correlational research
    4. Causal comparative research
    5. Survey research
  1. Qualitative Research methodologies
    1. Case studies
    2. Ethnographic research
    3. Historical research
    4. Phenomenology
    1. Mixed Method
      1. Action Research
      2. Development Research
    2. Instrumentation
      1. Questionnaires
      2. Tests
      3. Interviewing
      4. Observation
      5. Document analysis
      6. Content analysis
      7. Reliability and validity
    3. Analysis of Data
      1. Quantitative data analysis
      2. Qualitative data analysis
    4. Ethics in Research
      1. Ethical principles in conducting research
      2. Issues in plagiarism
    5. Writing a Research Proposal
      1. Chapter 1 – The Study
      2. Chapter 2 – Review of related literature
      3. Chapter 3 – Research methodology
      4. Citations and References


    Quiz (2) 25%

    Article Review 15%

    Research Proposal 35%

    Presentation 15%

    e-portfolio 10%

    TOTAL 100%


    Anderson, G. (1998). Fundamentals of educational research. UK: Falmer Press

    Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C., & Razavieh, A. (2002). (6th. Edition). Introduction to

    Research in Education. CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.

    Brown, J.D. & Rodgers, T. (2002). Doing Second Language Research. Oxford:

    Oxford University Press

    Bryman, A. (2001). Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Cohen, L. Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2005). (6th. Edition). Research Methods in

    Education. London: Routledge Falmer.

    Fraenkel, J.R. & Wallen, N.E. (2006). How to Design and Evaluate Research in

    Education. New York: McGraw Hill Inc.

    Gay, L. R. & Airasian, P. (2003 ) Educational research: Competencies for analysis and applications, Upper Saddle River: Merrill Prentice Hall

    Gall, M.D., Gall, J.P. & Borg, W.R. (2003). (7th. Edition). Educational Research.

    New York: Pearson Education Inc.

    Holmes, R., Hazadiah Mohd Dahan & Habibah Ashari (2005). A guide to research in the social sciences. Malaysia: Prentice Hall

    Mertler, C. & Charles, C.M. (2000). Introduction to educational research. 5th Edition. Boston: Pearson Education

    Murray-Thomas, R. (2005). Teachers doing research: An introductory guidebook. Boston: Pearson Education

    Nunan, D. (1992). Research Methods in Language Learning. Cambridge:

    Cambridge University Press.

    Parmjit, S., Chan, Y. F. & Sidhu, G.K. (2006). A comprehensive guide to writing a research proposal. Malaysia: Venton

    Rudestam, K. & Newton, R. (1992). Surviving Your Dissertation. London: Sage

    Selinger, H.W. & Shohamy, E. (2001). Second Language Research Methods.

    Oxford: Oxford University Press.


    Scheme of Work



    Learner Task

    Week 1

    • Introduction to Course – EDU 702
    • Introduction to Educational Research

    Read Assigned Readings: Fraenkel & Wallen Part 1 - Chpt. 1

    Week 2

    • Introduction to Writing a Research


    Read Assigned Readings: Fraenkel & Wallen, Part 4 - Chpt. 24

    Week 3

    • Defining the Research Problem
    • Literature Review

    Read Assigned Readings: Fraenkel & Wallen, Part 2 - Chpt. 2,3 & 5

    Week 4

    • Types of Educational Research

    Qualitative & Quantitative

    Read Assigned Readings

    Presentation 1

    Week 5

    • Research Design - Sampling

    Submission of 1st. outline of Research Proposal – Ch. 1

    Presentation 2

    Week 6

    • Instrumentation I – Questionnaires &

    Presentation 3

    Quiz 1

    Week 7

    • Instrumentation II – Interviews,

    Checklists, Observations, etc.

    Presentation 4

    Submission of Article Review

    Week 8

    • Data Analysis I – Qualitative Data

    Presentation 5

    Submission of 1st. outline of Research Proposal – Ch. 1&2

    Week 9

    • Data Analysis II – Qualitative Data

    Read assigned materials

    Week 10

    • Data Analysis I – Quantitative Data

    Read assigned materials

    Quiz 2

    Week 11

    Semester break

    Week 12

    • Data Analysis II – Quantitative Data

    Read assigned materials

    Submission of 1st. outline of Research Pro. – Ch. 1,2&3

    Week 13

    • Writing a Research Proposal &

    Research Ethics

    Read assigned materials

    Week 14

    • Presentation of Research Proposal

    Presentation of Research Proposal

    Week 15


    Submission of Research Proposal

    Week 16


    Main Text: Fraenkel, J.R. & Wallen, N.E. (2006) How to Design and Evaluate Research Education. New York: McGraw Hill Inc.

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